Putting on a Show
Anyone who has ever met a Killdeer recognizes their call immediately...and has seen their little broken wing show. For those of you who do not know, Killdeer lay their eggs on the ground and then have to work feverishly to protect the eggs. They are pros at pretending to have a broken wing to attract predators and lure them away from their eggs or young.
This couple put on quite the display. Somehow it reminded me of flamenco dancing? Such a stunning bird. They also charge you, too, which makes me smile. Such bravado! :)
It certainly felt like summer today. You would never know that there was anything 'novel' going on in the world by the number of people out and heading to the waterfront with picnic baskets, blankets, fishing rods, etc. A little unsettling...
I will just concentrate on the birds...and other creatures. I am seeing more and more butterflies and a few dragonflies :)
Hope you all had a peaceful Saturday and you found something that made you smile!
D x
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