Burns' Red, Red Rose

Velvet red.  AW's pride and joy ... haha!  It would appear that roses can be grown successfully in the backyard.  Needs to be noted here because, if truth be told, the soil in the backyard is poor in nutrients and needs to be topped up once in a while.

Our PM gave a press conference again this evening, with the Health Minister right beside him, announcing how our isolation would be reduced in stages.  All restaurants, cafés, and bars will go ahead with reopening on 1 June.  Maximum of 30 customers inside excluding personnel, no face masks required but the 1.5-meter social distancing rule will be strictly implemented between tables, reservations required (meaning you can't just wander in and ask if they have a vacant table), and most likely you'll need to leave some personal details for track-and-trace purposes in case of a confirmed infection.  Some restaurants could even conduct a brief survey at the door, asking if you've been ill the past weeks.  Sounds reasonable to me, but AW and I had already made up our minds that we were not going to eat out for now anyway.  I've mentioned in a previous post that AW has had a COPD issue since his childhood and we do not intend to take any unnecessary risk.  In the meantime, we have been cooking and eating our favourite dishes here at home, capped with yummy desserts, so it's not as though we've missed a lot.  What will definitely not yet push through are 'events' -- sports events, matches, open-air concerts, where hundreds to thousands of people are expected.  I think our PM is right as contagion seems to increase where there are large gatherings.  You don't need to be a rocket scientist to observe that.

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