
By Fisherking

.....antimony, arsenic, aluminium, selenium......

A couple of days ago hebs said to me "You have to turn me into a proper Science teacher"....I think she's halfway there.

I caught her lugging a crate of books this morning.....I chastised her gently and then took the crate off her...."Where's it going?" I asked...."My lab", she replied.

Not my classroom.....not my room......not room 15........MY LAB....she's well on the way.

She also got me to reveal my secrets of teaching the patterns and order of the Periodic Table....including the Daniel Radcliffe version of the famous Tom Lehrer song.

I think the girl will go long as she doesn't say things like "Oh, I've already got the 1973 DVD of the Sky at Night...the year I was born".....there by reminding me that I'm 15 years older than she is in a week or two's time.

I promise to catch up with comments over the weekend.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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