HM Frigate Unicorn

Although Dundee is known as the City of Discovery, and the ship HMS Discovery is a prominent attraction, HM Frigate Unicorn has been around a lot longer.

Launched in 1824, the Unicorn is one of the six oldest ships in the world, the only intact warship of her time and the only representative of the Scottish Navy. She was built in Chatham shortly after the Napoleonic war, armed with 46 guns. As there was a long period of peace, her services were not required so instead of rigging her, a roof was put over her hull and she lay in the south of England, unused, until she was towed to Dundee in 1873 to commence her life as a Tay training ship.

Today the Unicorn is still afloat but her hull has begun to distort rapidly after spending her entire working life, in a single dock, for 140 years. Plans now are to build a new dry dock for her on the water front.

She is the only ship in the Royal Navy to have a front door and knocker. I remember my first dance on her when I was sweet sixteen, and many a party afterwards.

Another view of this beautiful ship showing her Unicorn here.

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