Place: St Pete Beach, FL 72/92 > Centreville, VA 61/83
Main activity: Sat - flight, Debbie's, walk
Notes: Slept pretty well and up 645a - went right to quick shower and final packing/cleaning. Ran the towels back to Gary & Gloria's and trash out. Left around 8a for airport, quick gas topoff at Pasadena Ave & Gulfport Ave. Returned car and had 10 min wait for tram to the terminal but still plenty of time. Got a cafe con leche at the Cuban place. Pretty easy flight - 50ish people this time (growing) and into DC Reagan early - photo from just before landing. Mic there, we headed to pick up prescription and garbage bags for Debbie and then went by her house and talked for a bit, saw Reggie. Car having some major issues on the way back to Mic's but can't get it in anywhere till Tues. Had smoothie, took walk in hot afternoon, made wraps for dinner. 

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