Work on the gutter continues

The repair and replacement of our gutter continued today. Peter and his father were back before 9 am to continue where we left yesterday. Luckily the weather is much better now.
I helped for a bit, now and then, mainly holding heavy planks when needed.
Meanwhile Daan did some serious checking up on his kitchen garden. I helped him with that too.
Therefore today was a mixture of gutter and gardening for me.

I also constructed a corona-shield today, to be used in my car.
Next Tuesday Daan has his birthday, and we've decided it's very necessary that my parents will visit us that day. They've been at home since March, and they need to get out now.

I'll pick them up and they'll be sitting in the back, behind a plastic screen.

Around 18.00 hours the gutter job was done. We're very happy with the result so far. In the near future I'll have to paint it all and after that we should be good for years to come. Maybe at the end of next week I'l grab a brush and some paint.

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