Wood Violet...

...the Official State Flower of Wisconsin. It was chosen by school children in 1908 to represent Wisconsin’s scenic beauty, & the wood violet was formally made State flower in 1909. They’re all in bloom right now & I’m seeing them everywhere while I’m out walking—such a treat! We had tornado warnings all last eve., but I think the brunt of the storm stayed to the south of us, as it wasn’t even windy here. The storm must have blown the forecasted rain clouds away as the weather is beautiful today; sunny & 75 degrees (F), so I’ve already been out for a walk & watered my plants. Why is it that the planters, full of dirt, have sat that way since the end of fall last year & haven’t been touched, but the moment I put plants in them, they’re all dug up every morning? It has to be my squirrel buddies, but it’s really annoying. If they don’t stop I’m going to have to cut off their peanut supply!! :)))

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