24052020 72nd Corona isolation day w/ alleviation

Today we went for the Monte in the morning together. I took the bastones for better safety going up and down even if most of the path is quite steady. So I did Nordic Walking for 7,7km and my husband took some sprints and came back to walk with me. My leg is quite black at the moment but luckily on the tanned skin it doesn't look so bad. Tomorrow I'll go on my walk alone, but I can't do it the Nordic style as I don't have anyone to carry my water. I bought (online) a backpack for water. It will have a straw so I can drink while walking.

Rest of the day I've been sewing. Quite a lot. Did some masks. Altered a pair of shorts. And then I altered a pair of capri pants for me. That took about 5 hours at least. The pants are now my favorite pants. Too bad it's so hot that can't really wear them at the moment. Also the shorts are okay. I will be using them a lot.

Also the news we got about more freedom for being outside were incorrect. Those were only for the federated sports people. So us who only do it just for the health benefits of it, still can't do anything more :-/

The picture was taken by my husband, by directed by me. I always have the photos so that I'm in front, so this time I wanted it the other way around.

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