Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Naff day

Woke up when hubby got up about 7:30, but went back to sleep and had another couple of hours. Woke up in a low mood and the day continued along this line. Following a situation this morning, discussing it with my husband, I burst into tears - I think the last time I cried was at my Mums funeral (18 months + ago). I know it’s just a blip ..... an off day.

We have an area in the back fence that has a little gap - Lili tries to stick her nose In it to bark at anything that would tempt to go near her territory. We have an arbour, and decided to move it and try and cover this area. It looks good in its new place, we will see how it goes. Whilst out there, hubby tied back the climbing rose, as a result had to thin it out a bit. Hence my blip :)


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