Neighbour's Rose

The nice thing about taking walks is that there is always something to spot worth shooting.

Finished the Biological Psych MOOC yesterday evening with an 8.3 and returned to Mendelian Genetics today, which I am thoroughly enjoying.  The lecturer's voice has such a hypnotic effect that I don't know whether to stay awake or take a nap ... hahaha!  He is from Catalonia and his accent is rather marked but oh so lovely to listen to.  I must have heard someone with a similar timbre to his voice when I was younger, and so my head is busy with some forgotten associations.  No matter, it is a lovely course.  Hopefully done by Sunday?  At this rate, I doubt it.

The middle of our 12th week ... on the one hand, time is flying, on the other hand not really, as I really need to check regularly which day it is.

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