Another book ......
...... set in Australia.
Melbourne is the place it all happened ( the murders!) . It seems they are suffering the usual drought, and burning sun. Think this will be a more gritty read than the last one . I'm not a very fast reader , as usually it's just bedtime reading. Must say I now read more in the day. Emm ! Wonder why ?
KJD face timed last night and informed me she the Rev and O would come round today and bring sandwiches for lunch. As I wasn't 100% this morning food wasn't my " bag" , tho' later I indulged in a delicious cinnamon bun they had collected from a lovely lady from their church who regularly makes them & tells people if they're passing the house just call in and pick one up. Such a kind thing to do.
However , that wasn't the main purpose for the visit, unbeknown to me they arrived with sander, shed paint and white paint for the lean - to door. Wow , they worked at top speed in 3/4 hours they had done a splendid job , another R A of K not at all expected.
This afternoon feeling better I did a bit of weeding and cutting back. So all in all a very productive day.
Hope you've all enjoyed a lovely day in safety .
Grateful ..... for a kind thoughtful family
Thank you so much K ,A & O I'm forever in your dept.
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