By lizzie_birkett

Old Friends

We had quite a sociable day today.
First thing this morning I had a chat across the canal with John, a nice chap who I got to know while walking Bella. He has a wee Cairn Terrier named Floss. He was saying he'll go back to work soon in an artist paintbrush factory. He said he can get us some seconds which his boss gives to the staff.
A bit later, while we were busy outside, we saw a couple wandering down the tow path towards our boat.
As they got nearer we realised it was Ken from our Ukulele group and his lovely wife Dot. They both live in Hellifield too. They were out for a canal walk and saw our car parked up and looked for the boat. We chatted at a distance for ages. Dot is in the Hellifield W.I. and told us that 5 members had had Covid - right at the start of lockdown and one member had died of it. So very sad. Some of the other ladies including another member of ukulele group are still quite poorly after several weeks. They had all been on a W.I. outing in the same car.

After they left we had a sandwich for lunch then went back outside to finish the jobs.
I saw another car parked next to ours and realised it was old Gordon from the end boat. We'd been worried about him as we hadn't seen him for months.
Bella was so excited to see him, she loves Gordon (or should I say she loves what he has in his pocket ;-)
Anyway, it was good to see him looking so well. He walks a few miles everyday and keeps himself fit.
He used to stay on his little narrowboat with his wife but she died a few years ago so now he usually splits his time between boat and house.

Last night I was in bed just dozing off - about 11ish when I realised I'd left the young tomato plants outside. I lay there for ages trying to remember what the weather forecast was. In the end I must have gone to sleep. I woke up at about 3am and started worrying about the plants and what if there was a surprise frost. It was no good, I got up and grabbed the red fleecy throw Frank always has on top of his side of the quilt. I unlocked the doors (it's like Fort Knox!) and put the plant pots altogether on the bench then covered them up with Frank's blanket. I then slept soundly till nearly 7am.
Frank looked out this morning and saw the red blanket draped over the bench. 
'What's that blanket doing there?'
He rolled his eyes when I told him.

He's always complaing that Bella gets looked after better than him and now the tomatoes do too. :-D

It started off a bit cool and grey this morning but the sun has come out now and it's warming up.

Curry and a beer for tea tonight :-).

Stay safe - you just don't know who's got this bloomin' virus!

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