
Candlemass.... Groundhog Day.....

Traditionally the 2nd of February is the day when the last of the Christmas decoration is put away, in readiness for the start of Lent. L and D are clearing out the Crib scene in preparation.

In the Carmina Gadelica, a seminal collection of Scottish folklore, there is a fascinating poem about a serpent coming out of the mound on Latha Fheill Bride, (St Bride's Day being what the Scots called Candlemas.) This rhyme is still used in the West Highlands and Hebrides.

Moch maduinn Bhride, Thig an nimhir as an toll; Cha bhoin mise ris an nimhir, Cha bhoin an nimhir rium.
(Early on Bride's morn, the serpent will come from the hollow I will not molest the serpent, nor will the serpent molest me)
Thig an nathair as an toll, la donn Bride Ged robh tri traighean dh' an t-sneachd air leachd an lair.
(The serpent will come from the hollow on the brown day of Bridget Though there should be three feet of snow on the flat surface of the ground).

Come to think of it, is there an interesting parallel with the groundhog legend?

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