In My World

By JoanneInOz

They're back again!

I know it was only yesterday that I blipped the male Australian Wood Duck, but they have been gone for so long, so please indulge me.... I've missed them!

They were here for a short while this morning and again tonight, just on nightfall. This is a photo taken as the light was beginning to fade and I like this shot more than the ones taken in the harsh morning light.

It's easy to remember which is the male and female ~ the male has the "Blokey Brown" hairdo and the female is the one wearing the white eye makeup!

The weekend is finally here and hopefully we will have electricity this weekend, not like last weekend when we were without power for virtually two days. I'm so far behind with everything that requires power, blip commenting included. I hope to rectify that this weekend. Enjoy the break blippers. :)

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