
The giant jaw made the jaw-jaw quite difficult with the engine and the clanking and the traffic waiting to pass it. So Evolybab and I gave up on debate and became strangely mesmerised by the jaw dropping bags of garden into the tank! After a while it rumbled off, and so did I, back to work. 

Comforted a friend this afternoon (via phone) who is having a very bad time. The only advice I could give was to try and take comfort in the little things until the bigger picture can be addressed. I wish I could give her a real hug or take her out somewhere nice for a proper face to face heart-to-heart.

Before I finish I have to acknowledge Mr G's excellent home made curry which fed the five this eve.

Finally... popped one in extras, who do you think might be lurking behind the hot pink whatever-it-is flower?

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