
By Cumbrialass


Not the best photo but I was surprised to see these gooseberries growing 'wild' down by the marsh. No babies hidden underneath I'm relieved to say. Lol

Warm sun but a breeze so quite pleasant walking Fletch down to the Sea wall. It was round lunchtime so quiet which was nice. As we were almost home there were quite a few people walking and cycling. 

I got out my cycle and went up to Tesco Metro. It wasn't as hard work this time . I only got off once to walk..I'm  still not brilliant at going  up hills or cycling against  the ubiquitous wind. I'm hoping this will be helping to strengthen my knees and my  lungs. 

Another Zoom meeting tonight... Again moved from 8 to 8:30. I really hate them in the middle of the evening. And unlike normal times you can't really say you won't be in! 

I'm hoping for an undisturbed night but doubt I'll get it. Fletch is waking us up at the crack of dawn as he hears the alert call of the blackbird  and he wants to go out..usually the alert is cats.. occasionally magpies. This afternoon one dived into our blackbirds nest and stole a chick. We were all distressed. The magpie dropped it but the tiny chick was dead. Nature can be cruel 

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