
By sas05

catch up

have done a blip early today,, on time i should say !! makes a change ....been a bit of a challenge these last couple of days... heart just hasnt been in it but equally know id kick myself if i didnt make the effort.. My knee for me to struggle through tonite, spare tomorrow , so ill have my pray mat out hoping to do some suduko tomorrow afternoon then come home.. thats the plan eh.. what a masterpiece.. then only three days left then , "hoilday" for 19 days...fair to say i need it fair to say i cant wait ..
ali had a beautiful unexpected gesture today , a bottle of plonk and some gawwwwgeous flowers from lisa,, thanks lisa, you dont know how timely that was !! ali has been feeling a bit down recently and a lovely thought from a good friend helped loads..
My day has ouching round the house. moaning a fair bit . pestering a few bands,, just trying to get my face in doing photography for a a couple of well known bands... i think they are melting cos they aint sent the boys round yet to knee cap me... perseverance hopefully will pay off.. i love doing the band photography,
been listening to Fleetwood Mac over and over again.. seeing the brilliant Fleetwood Bac tribute band recently has got me completely hooked... all the tribute bands that i have seen (and photographed) are sold short in being described as "tribute" .... like your getting something inferior ... which in my informed opinion you are most definitively not.. great musicians, great music ... right in front of you,,no lip syncing ,, no huge diamond scenes a million miles away,, it certainly re ignited my life long love affair with live bands..and they are real people as well.. damn nice eggs and gracious ,, again thats in my experience ...

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