Amigas Reunited

A full day...Danny was up in Sa Penya to see how Sole's husband was doing (really well!), we had a team meeting, school work, washing, letter writing (I hardly do that anymore!), birthday dress from the Parentals, delicate earring making (see extra), goldfish watching etc etc...and then later Asha and I walked to meet up with Cami and her Mom, Arle. Sooooo good to see them, so so good! Conversation flowed, but easy silences too...the girls loved jumping around on the rocks and looking for sea glass. They had a blast. All made even better by Claire happening upon us on her way home from the supermarket. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Overhearing the kids talking together this morning about how happy they are with their fish.
2) Chele doing so well in difficult circumstances.
3) Raw, open conversation with Arle.

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