
By PixelChristi

Cedar cones?

Not sure if they are cedar or not; they're tiny and the tree has no needles with outstretched branches though.

/is still learning about plants through this project.

This is actually an out-take from my Common or Garden project, but I liked it so much I though I'd post it here.

The actual picture that's going in the show is on my blog here, where I witter on about pretentious things like space and composition. I also explain a bit of the thinking behind the project.

...I know, but sometimes I need to get it out.

As for me, well I'm finally getting my butt in gear after the hibernation. It's taken me long enough, but it seems my cut-off/switch-back-on point is about 8 hrs of daylight. Less than that and I'm useless. That's my excuse anyway.

So, things are starting to get done, including my books, which I hadn't done in MONTHS. =/

Oh, and I've been soaked to the bone twice this week on the school run. The rain started when I left the house and stopped when I got back, both times. Thor hates me.

Hope everyone's well.


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