the pink...


growing up - i really don’t recall - having a favorite color - i liked a lot of colors - at different ages - so to pinpoint one specific - one which i liked - above all others - would be very difficult to do - my mama would probably tell - you it was green - because i went through a phase - where i really enjoyed - all the varying shades - of green; and there are a lot

but as i have gotten older - my palette has changed - as i’ve been exposed to nature - and all its offerings - i find i’ve softened - and my spirit has - gravitated to pink - and all the many - variations it has to offer us - i never grow tired of it - or weary of the plethora - of shades and gradations - which exist in the color - wheel of pink - it makes me giddy - causes my toes - to tap even when - they’re not on the floor - it’s a color designed for...


happy day.....

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