Sights from my Bike Ride
I was going to catch up on Blip this morning but it was such a beautiful day that I decided to go for a bike ride instead. I got home early afternoon after a 30 mile ride and was busy the rest of the day. So, once again, there was very little time left. I'm finally posting this at 10:15...and I'm very sleepy.
The birds in my collage starting in the top row are Barn Swallow and Western Kingbird, and the bottom row are Savannah Sparrow and a camouflaged Killdeer. The middle image is a small lake a few miles from home (where we had Becky's BD picnic). It had clouded over by the time I passed it on the way home but that didn't deter all the people in the water, even with thunderstorms in the forecast. Once again, I got home before the rain started. I am grateful to be able to ride more frequently now that winter is finally over....I hope!
I'll try to catch up with everyone tomorrow. :-)
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