Wednesday: Free At Last!

Today was surprisingly busy but none of that matters because tonight......we went out for drinks and dinner!

We went to Browns Crafthouse on Main which has reopened but with all distancing measures in place.  It was fabulous - we were so pleased.  We were gushing over our server who asked if this was our first night out.  Everyone knows what you mean when you say that. ‘Yes’, we gushed, ‘our first in 2 1/2 months’

Interesting measures in place were:

Facemasks for all the staff
One way signs on the ground 
Perspex between all booths
All tables within a certain radius blocked off so no table is too near another
Sanitizers readily available and encouraged
Leaving your name and number for contact tracing.  They’ll hold it for 30 days.

It was fabulous to be out.

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