By lizzie_birkett

A Feet up Day

I woke up every time I changed position and moved my knee last night. However I am managing to mobilise a bit though it is still sore and swollen. I even ventured into the garden for a cuppa with Frank. What a beautiful day - I couldn't sit out for long though as it was too hot for me!

Mostly I have been on the couch with my leg elevated and looking at Blips and things on line - I sent for some leggings as all the ones I've got are getting holes in them - it's all I've worn during lockdown! I was also looking at fabrics and ukuleles ;-)

Then I did some tiny sketches in the 'My Year in Small Drawings Book'. Mine are the ones on the right hand page.

We also did Facetime with Sabrina and John It was lovely to see the girls - Amelia and little Lucy.
As soon as they saw me on the screen Lucy said, 'Grandma can I see Granddad?' :-D)))
We recieved a parcel from them them today containing 2 bottles of hand sanitizer and some cards the girls had made for us and some beads for me - I threaded them on elastic and made myself a bracelet and showed the girls on Facetime.

In Other News -
We have been told we have to 'move on' from DC's Durham trip - in other words, brush it under the carpet! Yes, they'd like us all to forget wouldn't they?
It struck me this morning that when the slogan changed from STAY HOME to STAY ALERT it was possibly because they knew the Cummings debacle was going to come out.
Me cynical? Nooooo.... 8-|

That's all from me. Stay safe.
Thanks for all the lovely comments yesterday :-)x

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