Phase 1

Today was better at work - at home, and busy, but better. 

After dinner I went over to Kinghorn for a walk, again in the farmland behind and above the village. I got my Blip. 

In the foreground is Burntisland Golf Club, and that is Edinburgh on the other side of the water. 

Phase 1 of relaxation of restrictions begins tomorrow. Half of Scotland will have a sleepless night because of the excitement of golf courses re-opening.

In fact Herman Munster next door to me is a golfer, and has been running around like a dog in heat ever since the announcement this afternoon. Polishing his balls, I suppose. Mrs Munster looks relieved. 

The other half of Scotland will have a sleepless night because garden centres will also re-open. The queues will be massive. Pity camping out in garden centre car parks is not one of the restrictions lifted. Some will do it anyway, of course. 


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