
The cooler north easterly continues.

Absolutely loving watching Series 1 of The Sopranos again. Just fabulous.

Loved listening to Brideshead Revisted on bbc iplayer. And John McGahern

Got a new strimmer spool and did an hour and a half. Then complicated Zoom about Mum’s estate. The day nipped past and Terry’s 87th birthday in lockdown.

Rain tomorrow and still lots to plant out. It’ll happen eventually.. The wet will dampen the pollen at least.

Best greetings to you who comment on my posts. So many thanks.

A poem of sorts from a few days back

Covid Lament

Bring me your glorious garlanded dead,
Aye the ones wrapped in cling film too;
Your surplus dying old,
The army trucks to pyres high,
Your demented left out in the cold.

Bring me your docked and dodgy data,
Aye the ones you’d have us all believe;
The numbers just too fresh to lie,
And yet you’d wrap them in a sheet
And leave them there alone to die.

Bring me the hesitant and shameful leaders,
Aye the ones who let the crowd at Cheltenham run.
Bring me the man who said he threw a ring around,
Bring me my hounds, my staff, my gun.

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