A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Day 75: Early Start

I woke at silly o'clock and as I had a mountain of stuff to get through, I decided to get up while it was still dark. Not something I've had to do for ages.

By 12:30 I had completed most of my tasks and was feeling pretty virtuous.

Last day tomorrow. It will seem rather strange, not that the last two months have felt particularly normal.

And wonders will never cease. I had a call from the doctor to tell me I had had an appointment yesterday afternoon. I liked his sense of humour.

He spoke good English, which was a relief as we discussed my arthritis, otherwise I could have been lining myself up for an amputation or two.

As it is, I will receive another call to arrange pain relief injections, which is a step in the right direction.

Trouble is, he didn't say when. 

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