Lala's Journal

By Lala


Let me go on the beach! Dog’s paw still not right, so I wasn’t let him go running on the shingle, even if we would get to the sand eventually. Instead we walked 2.5 miles. 

I’m gradually phoning all the members of the team this week, but they all live to chat and I’m not even half way through the list yet! 

Mr L’s hair was looking a total mess, so tonight I braved the possible repercussions and took the scissors to it! Not a great job, but definitely much better than it was. He is not touching mine though! 

Apparently this was the last evening that we ‘clapped the Carers’, so we gave it our all. I just have everything crossed that the easing of lockdown doesn’t give us another peak, it would be dreadful if we had to do it all again! 

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