Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I realised I hadn't blipped today, so this is a back blip. 
Still home. Head wants to go to work, body isn't cooperating. Too many bumps and the wasp-thing gets bigger than it should. Body reacting as if it would be a sabre-tooth tiger...
But, I sprayed with vinegar/water when she was out, but near, and stepped back to look how she'd react. She was a bit hesitant... then my neighbour came out. I explained to him that there's a wasp queen nest building and I sprayed with vinegar. He has a little son, so I thought it might interest him to know. Instead he asked if I'm scared of them and I said that I don't like them at all. He then chased the wasp away for me. I was on my way out... but I said thank you - because it was a really kind gesture. The wasp flew away, and I didn't see her when I came back from the store. Fingers crossed the vinegar smell and the attack scared her away for good... I'll see when I go out tomorrow. 
This was something I spotted on my way back from the store. I'm not sure why, but it resonated with my situation... working through all the bumps...   

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