
The test was in the morning, and in the afternoon the neighbour tapped on our kitchen window.  AW opened the front door and they both kept their distance ... but the results were in and everyone is safe!  For them, though, they'll continue to be in strict lockdown until the daughter is completely well, as it won't do if she contracts something else while she's ill.  Huge unimaginable relief for us!

A short stroll late in the afternoon to examine this new poppy patch, and it is a pretty one, but somehow there aren't as many nice angles as the other one which has died out.  Still, I'm so happy almost anything will do.

Of course, there's a new MOOC!  -- The Politics of Economics and the Economics of Politicians, being taught by none other than Liberal Democrat Vince Cable, who also happens to be teaching at the University of Nottingham.  He's not spreading propaganda about the Lib Dems, no, but he is making clear some of the mistakes being made at the moment.  I waited four years for this course.  On my Wishlist way back in 2016 when I was still coordinating Business Communications for the third-year students as I wanted to get more ideas for their essays, but it wasn't being offered at the time (courses don't always get offered, of course, and are subject to the programs of the universities that organize them), and so much happened after that year as the curriculum at work was completely changed and the position I had was scrapped, so that this MOOC lost its relevance for work, but I did not take it off my Wishlist because I had become interested in it more than ever in the light of all the political crises that have come about, also since 2016.  Strange thing, but they did not email any of the interested learners that it would start on Monday (yesterday) till the last minute, which was last Saturday.  Took me quite by surprise, but I think I can understand why -- it can be seen by some to be a volatile topic and the university wanted people who were really interested in it for the sake of the subject matter and not merely to troll other learners, and I'm sure you know the context I am referring to.  Anyway, voila, and so here I go again.

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