Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Bill Maslin's House (again)

We are lucky that there are enough footpaths around the village to enable us to vary our walks, even if only slightly.  We did one of our regulars this morning across to the 'Little' version of our village but came back by a different path which brought us past the old Bill Maslin house.  I blipped this house a couple of years ago and at the time the land around it had been cleared ready for demolition and building of about seven new houses.  However, village politics and the seemingly never-ending development of a neighbourhood plan have put a stop to any work being done and the house is slowly disappearing into the undergrowth.  What was a few years ago a very nice and productive orchard is now an area of waste ground, with no prospect of anything being done to it in the near future.

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