Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A walk along the shores of Thirlmere this morning.  Got there quite early as a hot day in the Lakes means busy busy later on!   Misty of course enjoyed a paddle.  There are signs on all the entrances to the reservoir saying no overnight camping, barbecues or fires.  Of course some people choose to ignore it!  Very disappointing especially as its so dry everywhere from lack of rain.  Didn't walk too far and once back at the car had a drink and snack and then did another walk away from the reservoir towards Grasmere.  It was interesting and entailed a bit of clambering over rocks, easy ones of course.  Then had to cross over a section of dual carriageway which was easy to do.  But couldn't believe that three cyclists were cycling the wrong way along it!!  I did point it out to them, the first two ignored me and the third did cross over to the centre and go the right way!

Anyhow, here's a very hot Misty posing with Thirlmere in the background.  She's cream crackered now and her back legs are very stiff  Probably wont even go out for the sunset :(

Oh nearly forgot... stopped off at Bassenthwaite on the way home and she swam and swam.  There's a place I know that is always quiet.  Couldn't believe how many cars there were at the other end.  I've never seen so many.  Cars parked all along the road making it a single track road!

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