Lady's Mantle

I hope this qualifies for Flower Friday, kindly hosted as always by BikerBear Anni - the tiny buds in the centre are flowers-in-the-making, and will be blooming shortly when I'll blip them again.

The common name is Lady's Mantle but if you're posh you might call it Alchemiilla Mollis. It's one of the plants which seems to grow well in our garden so it must be hardy as we're rather good at killing plants off!

It was my Editor's suggestion to blip it. She particularly loves the way the leaves open up: you can see near the centre how they start off quite tightly folded up in concertina-fashion, then open out to have only light folds in them. Having seen this close-up shot on the screen I also noticed the rather pretty hairy border along the edge of the leaves. (The central portion is only about 1cm across.)

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