
By lassoothemoon


... for the sun to set. Not a spectacular sunset today, just gentle streaks of colour in the sky above the Nile.The 'big camera' was left in the room safe today and just had my iPhone at hand.

I visited the small but perfectly formed Luxor Museum in the morning. Sadly, no photography allowed, with guards training their beady eyes on visitors lest they transgress. Passing one of the main mosques in town around the time of Friday prayers, I noticed a line of police vans and officers standing to attention, riot shields at the ready. It brought home the volatility in this country.

The afternoon was gainfully spent finishing off Life of Pi - defies superlatives - by the water's edge ( both pool and Nile) before retreating to the spa.

I have posted a few images of people I have met in the last few days here.

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