
By brambleblossom

“Tadpoles a wriggling”

More glorious weather which impacts on everything in such a positive way . I did my yoga first thing as yesterday I started twice and was interrupted twice and then the day moved on .I am not naturally flexible so need all the helpI can get to loosen up . The routines soothe the body and quieten the mind , both of which I find very supportive. 
Had a long conversation with our middle child Isaac , listening in to all the delicious sounds that Florence , 6 months old , makes. We have learnt to have moments of silence in our calls which feels much more natural as when we are together in physical space it is usual to have pockets of quiet . 
We then had a satisfying chat with our Swedish family before embarking on our daily walk . A cool breeze made it ideal walking weather made even better by discovering a large number of tadpoles wriggling away at the edge of a pond . 
The pond is gradually shrinking due to lack of rain but as it is in an old quarry I expect there will be plenty of depth towards the  centre. Home now with some watering to be done , the possibility of homemade chips for tea and a hat to finish . 
Our son suggested that now we are allowed to gather in bigger groups perhaps we could make the journey ( 2 hrs) to Chesterfield for an afternoon in their garden , socially distanced of course . They have  quite a big garden so it should be easy to “camp out “ without risk .although neither we nor they have been anywhere except to do a weekly shop since mid March .
The thought of seeing them makes my heart sing !
A happy note on which to end the day .

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