Bit of a slow day. Decided not to try to get to the newly opened garden centres as I was sure they'd be mobbed, so picked up some bedding plants for my two window boxes from the supermarket instead. Took me about 20 minutes to clear out and restock my whole 'garden', but then an hour to do a big clean up of the kitchen given the mess I'd made!
Dithered about what to do next and faffed about looking online for possible kneeling chairs or standing desks but didn't get anything, then did the laundry.
Couldn't hang about indoors though as it was another stunning day. Thought about a walk or a bike ride but in the end just went to the Meadows where I sat and watched the world go by and ate an ice cream, then lay on the grass and dozed, all the time listening to my novel which I'm enjoying after I've got used to the jumps in the narrative. The sky was a beautiful deep cerulean - dotted with cirrus clouds, and not a single contrail. Lots of people around but it was lovely to feel part of such a mood of good humour and relaxation, and everyone keeping their distance.
Home and settled down to some work with a big mug of tea, catching up on email and commenting on REF documents, and lovely to sit with the sun streaming in. Kept pondering on the reshaping issues I'd talked to M&D about yesterday....I need to develop a position.
Strange sense of time today - kept being surprised when I looked at the clock as it seemed to go so slowly, partly because it stayed so warm and bright til so late.
Although I'd bought crispy duck for dinner I ended up making egg in a pot about nostalgia!
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