
By seddon

Cheeky and she knows it!

I had a lie in this morning. Sort of. I got up with Chloe at 6am, changed her nappy and put her in bed with us. I then lay awake for the next hour and a bit whilst she sang and chattered away, demanded the TV on and then beeped my nose repeatedly. Eventually Thomas got up too and Chloe started asking for breakfast, so I hinted loudly for a while that I'd like a lie in. That didn't work so I had to tell Ben it was his turn to get up, and I managed to have another hour or so sleep!
We spent most of the day inside today, because Chloe's skin is not liking sun cream at all.
We had a socially distanced visit from jp, Sally, Abbie and Ella this afternoon whilst they dropped off Thomas's birthday present. It was lovely to see them although Chloe couldn't really understand why we'd put a barrier across the garden and she couldn't get to them!
This evening Ben cut Thomas's hair again, and gave him a proper mohican. Thomas is happy, me not so much!!!
The photo today is Chloe's face as she demolished the duplo tower I'd just built. She thinks she's hilarious!!

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