
By tookie

Tippsie Tiny Fuschia

A scewed tiny fuschia presented on a day when things in our country just get more and more scewed....

R.I . P. George Floyd....a man of peace murdered by police on the streets of Minneapolis Minn.  Known to many as "Big Floyd"....a "gentle giant"...worked as a restaurant security guard and  helped teach youth basketball as a coach.  
       The ten minute video a 17 yr old young woman took shows clearly what took place.  
      There can be no peace without justice...this is true.
It is way past the time to look deeply at our country's intrinsic stytemic racism ....a conversation that needed to take place a long time ago.  Our streets are on fire again triggered by this horrific killing right before our eyes.  It is my duty as a priviledged white person and my fellow white Americans to look at systemic racism undefensivley and take steps to do our part to help right our sinking ship. I am not shocked...just sickened.  I think of this song as the tears flow....Trail of Tears

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