Mates for life

Awake relatively early........another lovely sunny day, breakfast in the garden.

I popped to Tesco for a couple of things, then home, collected hub and we went for a walk to the farm where we get our eggs from. Walked back, through our estate past the little lake, where I saw this pair of canadian geese, blip sorted.

Back home, 8k steps under our belts, we sat in the garden reading the papers for a while. Then it was time to put my newly obtained hairdressing scissors into a tion on hubs hair.
Not perfect, but much better thna it was ;-)

I rang and ordered our lunch from Reds Cafe, its become our Saturday treat :-)

Afternoon was hot, I sat in the shade a while whilst ordering a couple of things on line. I messaged my friend who is having a real tough time just now, to let her know I was thinking of her.

Lots more watering needed, no sign of any rain, not that I'm complaining.......looks like maybe Wednesday. Planted up the new shrub I bought with sis on Wednesday. Hub netted his strawberries, to stop the birds getting at them, watered the lawn too.

I made a vegetable madras, some grilled chicken tikka, & basmati rice for was spicy, hub got the hiccups ....oops!!!

Watched some tv, had a lovely Manchester Gin with fevertree tonic, some salted popcorn and now its time for bed!

Stsy alert, stay safe........x

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