Hello Swallowtail!
Dear Diary,
The Eastern Tiger Swallowtails have been back for a week or more but I haven't been able to catch a good photo of one. The lilacs are beginning to fade but clearly they still offer something sweet for the butterflies. I was just quick enough to catch this one before another came and they went off in their beautiful circle dance. A perfect way to end the month of May.
A bit of excitement last night as a bat got in and was swooping around! Lulu May didn't know what to make of it! I just blocked off doors and open the door to the barn and hoped he'd find his way out. He seems to be gone this morning, thankfully.
I feel more improvement this morning. So, I think I may be on the mend although I will have to take it slow and easy for a few days yet. Thankfully, the heat broke yesterday and it is a cool, fresh morning. Miracles abound on this Sunday morning!
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