Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Try to be HAppY all year ‘round

We watched the last Hay digital event this afternoon, Sandi Toksvig ostensibly talking about her new book but in fact covering a vast range of subjects about her life and experiences as a writer, a woman, a mother, and many other things. It was a tour de force and at the end TSM looked very unhappy and then started to cry because she didn’t want it to end, which of course set me off as well.

 It has been a difficult twelve months for us with illness, life events, the disastrous politics of British government, and now Covid which has not only prevented us from travelling but also meant the girl racer could not come over to us. The Hay festival embodies so much that is good in our lives and we were disappointed not to go but enormously grateful for the digital events which made us feel part of a global community of people with shared values. So thank you Sandi for ending on an optimistic high note. You were inspiring and reminded us that life doesn’t have to be complicated - sometimes it’s just about being decent and compassionate to those around us.

As you can see from the photograph I decided to put Ike out in the garden today. In the winter months he lives, rather like the young Harry Potter, under the stairs on the first floor landing where he can see all the comings and goings. But I thought it would be nice for him to be able to enjoy the lovely weather we are having, so here he is in the fresh air.

Hay may be over but I am determined to carry its spirit of compassion, wisdom and fun throughout the year ....

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