A couple of months ago I planted 6 broccoli seedlings in individual pots. They grew slowly. Three weeks ago I moved two of them into the greenhouse and they took off. The little heads are noticeably bigger each day. Yesterday I moved another two in to get them growing. Because they are in pots I don’t expect the heads to be large, but when they have been cut the plants should produce shoots that I hope will give me meals for most of the winter.
All the tomatoes are gone from the greenhouse now. The tubs they were growing in have been replenished and I have silverbeet (chard) and pac choi seedlings to plant in them. Older pac chois are providing me with two meals a week. Due to the lockdown I’ve missed a couple of plantings, so there will be a gap.
Still giving me a daily wee red pepper, the capsicums are doing well. I have to cover them at night to protect them from the frost.
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