
How do we keep the good things of lockdown alive once we're out of our bubbles?

I say that cautiously as I'm acutely aware that for some lockdown means no job or great uncertainty.

Many of us appreciated the slower pace of life, less rushing to be somewhere gifted a more gentle life. I'm trying to maintain those gentle aspects. Not easy when I'm a high energy rusher.

It's a question to ponder too as I rehabilitate my hip and back. Old injuries that haunt me more and more. I don't have to stop I just need balance.

Relax, rest, pause. Stretching and strengthening as well as the high intensity. I planned to run through my pilates video late this afternoon. Instead I sprayed hot soup all over myself and the kitchen.


Those wand thingies are great but they're not good when a errant bone from the stock gets stuck in the blade. Anyway, it's water under the bridge now (as opposed to walls, joinery, floor, hpx, and splash back, splattered in soup).

The old hpx might have ploughed on late into the night to get my pilates ticked off. Instead I'll pack my lunch and sort my clothes for tomorrow, stretch, then recline with my book.

Jasper went outside after breakfast. He hadn't reappeared by lunchtime and the weather was packing up. I checked the park and he was in some bushes. He trotted home with me full of talk at the top of his voice. He's very jumpy and not his usual happy self but there's positive signs today.

Today's gratitude: For a phone call with my lovely sister.

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