Lazy Daze

By Catwummin

Animal Rescue

Walking home at 9.30am after my sleepover shift just hung up the phone to the mister telling him I'd be home in 2 mins and Lisa and Mila, would be arriving in about 5 mins as Lisa, was just driving over the Erskine Bridge. When this swan landed on the pavement right in front of me and started walking along towards the canal. I thought great I'll just gently walk behind and guide it towards the canal. But no it steps onto the road in front of traffic I phoned my friend in a tissy to call the SPCA. I looked for help but everyone was just walking by. So I had to intervene step onto the road and use my work bag to herd this silly swan up the busy road and into a car park at the CE Centre where it sat comfortable in a large puddle. It was difficult and very scary task for me to do 1. I am scared of swans. I usually keep a respectable distance. 2. I'm scared of moving vehicles on busy roads. I'm one of these people that always go to traffic lights and wait for the green man before crossing.
Couldn't believe that when this swan was standing in the middle of the road people were walking by and taking pictures and walking away. When it was safe at the centre it had plenty of room to take off. I was talked into leaving and going home. Now I'm wondering if it is home safe and well. Happy Crazy Friday everyone xx

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