35 mph

After a morning inside doing applications, I decided to get out in the sun - and seeing the wind, thought it'd be a great idea to go power kiteing on top of Solsbury hill.

After riding the bike to the bottom, I started the long, muddy trudge to the top. With each step skywards the wind got stronger, until by the time I was at the top the wind could support me if I lent into it.

Despite this, I still thought that a 2.4m power kite was a good idea, and set about setting the lines up. I had to weigh everything down with rocks to make sure that it didn't blow away, and after a struggle with the lines everywhere had it all ready to rumble.

As soon as I launched the kite (ie pull it from under the stone that was on it) it shot into the air, and pulled me a few meters up with it. Landing downwind, I just about managed to keep in control, for the most part, though it was a struggle. After a 15 minute battle, I was considering whether or not to continue, when a gust came along and I few about 2m high, and shot forwards another 5, landing on my front. I decided it was probably best to stop.

The only was of doing this was to crash the kite, then put slack in the lines so it didn't launch, run it down and jump on it to stop it blowing away.

Took me about 40 minutes to sort my lines out in the wind... and to find the reel that had fallen from my pocket when I was flying.

Back home, settled with a tea, and checked the weather - I'd be flying in 35mph wind with faster gusts. Eeep! Won't try that again, or on my own at least. Tried to see Django Unchained in the eve, was sold out, so went to the pub with Milner.

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