2013 a year of pics

By wbdavies86

Dinas Rock

Well, I'm back home in Wales for a couple of days and decided to spend the afternoon doing some rock climbing. I was in two minds as to wether to head for the indoor wall at Clydach or go out to Dinas Rock to do some bouldering. The weather forecast was a little sketchy. I chanced it and headed to Dinas Rock. It's a gem of a place and loved the serenity of it even though it was only a stones throw away from the village of Glynneath. I'm guessing however that during the peak of the summer this place will be heaving with outdoor enthusiasts! I think I have been here once when younger, but can't recall the place at all. The weather wasn't great as it turned out, but managed to have a play on some of the slabs and take some shots with my camera. When you're at a place like this, it doesn't really matter that its raining!

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