Hanging At The Mall

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

We are officially two days into NZ winter and it is effing HOT. The sun beat down and I decided to go to Coastlands Mall. 

The main reason for the trip was to get a new phone. My current one is knackered. The microphone/speaker is totally cuffed and it makes me sound like that bloke on "Tiswas" with the broken microphone.

Going to the mall felt kind of like returning to normal. Although there are still social distancing signs everywhere (see extra) that apparently no effer except me pays any attention to. But it made me feel good to see book stores open again (I didn't actually buy any books) and cinemas too (I didn't actually go to see anything). 

But still.

I did buy Caro some treats because today felt special. And when I got home I found she had put up an elaborate bird feeder to protect our feathered buddies from the local cats. So far they have been ignoring it, but that is just birds and their inherently suspicious nature.

BIRD 1: Stay away from that thing Alan. It could be a trap!

So today was another day of eff all really. I've received an email from Dougal the PM about starting up next week. Which I can't yet be arsed to read. It is like she doesn't even CARE that I am funemployed.


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