
Benna's roses in the shade ... and I had to zoom in as they were far above my head at an angle I couldn't comfortably approach.

After another sunny day, we went to Sweed and Benna's again in the evening.  I drove AW there so that he could enjoy his bridge evening with a beer or two, and picked him up close to midnight, when I calculated that they were done.  Hennes was also there, of course.  I saw him on my way back home as he cycled to their place but he didn't see me.  He left about five minutes after I arrived to pick up AW, and the moment he left, we all remarked on how changed he was.  The talk quickly included again some talk about Mauritz and suddenly it seemed as though all the changes we'd been noticing became a lot more pronounced.  H & M have been good friends all these years and it is sad to notice how different they have become, and apparently many things are adding up, from the past and from the recent past.  Of course, not one word about everyone's concern and things will go on as before, but some kind of marker has been reached.  You can see how self-isolation affects some people, too, as some appear to manage it a lot better than others.

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