Playtime with Milo

Caught up with our Daughter Sara this morning, she cut my hair and blow dried it while we caught up on our weekend, their camping weekend was a good breakaway for them, plenty of fishing for Cobey and Jacob, Koen's girlfriend Gillian went along with them too so Koen too enjoyed the break.
I was back home for lunch with Glyn, before too long it was time to collect Deklan and Ruby from school, the same procedure is still in place where no-one goes into school for their children, the teachers bring them out, very easy to adhere to this rule.
The children as always were very chatty driving back to ours, full of their news about their weekend, they all took their motor bikes into Julimar forrest a popular spot for them to use their bikes safely, Ruby has now taken off the trainer wheels!! she was very happy with herself, Deklan managed to change a flat tyre on his motor bike with a 'little' help from his Dad.
Ruby as always when we get back to ours cannot wait to see Milo and throw his ball for him, Milo stays close to them ,always happy anytime anywhere to run for the ball, Ruby never runs out of steam either... 
Feet upon now, and chilling. 

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