What Is This Curiosity?
I had decided to feature the photo of our giant fern, which is now the extra.
My reason for doing so shown in today’s Blipfoto. Some living creatures can never stay still to have their picture taken and so it is with the blur in the thumbnail.
It looks like a very small caterpillar, no more than 10mm long. It was floating vertically at my eye height: about 1700 mm. It was wriggling, hence the blur, and it was drifting, although there was no discernible wind.
It was not following to the ground. If anything it was rising. There was no visible means of support.
Intriguing. Hopefully someone may know.
Emil returned this morning to work on carving the pillar on the north gate. How long he will work today is a moot point, for the forecast is for rain.
Some rain would help, what I laughingly refer to grass. Some patches are very dry, and are a light beige. The daisies and other wild flowers are flourishing.
No lunch in the garden today.
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