
By CleanSteve

Cactus flowers liberated from the cabin

I put these little cacti into a bowl last year, with no soil at all, and only occasional watered them. they have been in a protected environment over the winter and now in the spring the cabin warms to more than 80 degrees on sunny days, of which there have been plenty.

I have been watering the  plants in the cabin very regularly in recent times and as a resuklt the cacti have been happy. I noticed that there are flowering protuberances on several types of cacti and succulents which bodes well for flowers in the near future.

I must admit I hadn't spotted these flowers which must have started to open in the last week. Today I brought them out onto the patio table to let them have fresh air and more direct sunlight. I love cactus flowers. Having watched a recent Rick Stein culinary programme filmed in Jalisco, Mexico where he visited a Tequila factory, I'm keen to nurture them even more. I have some Agave so maybe I can distill my own!

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